The Kinship manifesto
We are about people. And we are about relationships.
We’re not a tech or financial services business. We are a people business. And we are in business to help people. So we put people at the start and centre of everything we do. And we work hard to build extraordinary relationships with them.
That means we do right by other people. We consider other people. We’re mindful to treat others the way we want to be treated: like fellow human beings. That, after all, is what kinship is.
It means our business decisions and trajectory are guided, first and foremost, by people – not profit. If Kin makes and does things that people value, more people will use Kin. And if more people use Kin, Kin will profit.
It means we respect and aggressively defend people’s privacy. We will not use their data for our own gain or in ways they don’t want us to. Nor will we deliberately obfuscate information, indulge in perverse incentives or otherwise take advantage of anyone in any way that benefits us at their expense.
It means that we can never put our trustworthiness and integrity in doubt. We will be honest, honourable and humble, always.
And it means that, beyond simple decency, we should also be generous: we should offer something of value, whether that is a product or service, ideas or information, support or empathy. If we are to belong in people’s lives, we have to earn our place there.
This is how we see kinship. If you invest in, partner with, work with or use Kin, you can and should hold us to it.